Thursday, June 14, 2007

"Vighpyr", revealed!!

vighpyr [vahy-per] - n
A unique spelling for the pseudonym used by this blogger all over the Internet.

Here's the explanation. I've had numerous pseudonyms in my techie life. My first was when I ran a bulletin board system many moons ago. At that time, I went by the nick, "Silver Shadow". That one, I actually stole from a student who used to play a lot of rpg (role-playing games). It wasn't copyrighted or anything like that so there was no guilt. Some time after that when I became addicted to the game "Quake", I used the name "Shadow Assassin". That was pretty cool because I kept "Shadow" which I thought was neat, and of course, since the main focus of Quake was to run around like crazy just chopping and hacking and slashing and otherwise blowing people up, the moniker "Assassin" seemed appropriate. But when I 'grew up', I decided that I wanted to have a more 'sophisticated' name.

When I was on the AVP circuit for a bit less than 9 years, I was called "Viper" because I was fast and was very quick off the sand at the net. Also, one of my favorite movies, "Top Gun" features one of my favorite actors, Tom Skerritt. And his callsign in the movie was "Viper". Since the normal spelling was practically on every site on the net and I could never get that name, I developed this spelling that apparently, isn't anywhere else on the net. But if you do a Google Search of it, you'll see my electronic footprints all over the place. Every occurrence that you see is somewhere I've been. So that's the origin (and the pronunciation) of "Vighpyr".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now THAT is unique!!

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